soren ✧ he/him ✧ 2000
moon bunny

"who is soren?" aka my yelp reviews

"Renren is my best friend who happens to be a punk ass bitch and i love that for him"-Rin

"my himbo brother who i care for very much"-ambi

"Renren is unpredictable... I can’t really ask questions like: “Why are you in a maid dress?” or “Why is there a pink chainsaw in your closet?” or “Where did you get that alligator?” because he responds with answers like:
“What do you mean, I always wear this.” and “Gay chainsaw go brrrrr.” and “Umm, it's a crocodile 😒.” (I don’t care if it’s a crocodile, when did you bring it on to the ship?!)
He finds enjoyment in creating absolute chaos and teasing the heck out of others, but at least I know that he really cares about his friends and family. Even as he’s aggressively typing away on his keyboard, he always responds when I ask him something.If only he’d stop giving me daily talks on how great boobs are… Or playing hide-n-seek when I’m trying to pass him a phone call… Or doodling a mustache on me while I sleep… mumbles more complaints..."-gigi


generally a lot of the 'flirting' i do is just for fun! if anything makes you genuinely uncomfortable, feel free to tell me.

honestly the only time i'll act weird is if someone is weird to me first HAHA

other notes:
- if you follow me just for a follow back--- lol dont
- if you are rude in anyway to me or my friends i won't hesitate to call you out. i do not tolerate shit.